Sunday, February 6, 2011

treat the "little" people well

For all of you that don't know yet my husband is directing a short film he wrote this year.  We are so excited that this next project is underway, and it really feels that a weight has been lifted off of our shoulders.  Now it is time for the fun.  I'll keep you posted on this "new" adventure, and our progress. 

Today, was M's first casting call for the film, and I got the privilege of helping out for the day.  The morning started at 8:00 a.m., M and I got up and started getting things together for the auditions which was scheduled to start at 10:00 a.m.  At 8:05 a.m., I ran to the grocery store for all the ingredients I would need to make my friend Lizz's Taco Soup for the crew (this recipe, which was a huge hit, can be found here -

At about 9:45 a.m. I arrived at the production company where the auditions were being held.  M's producer was there, an actor friend of M's who was reading opposite the auditioning actors, and of course M and I. 

My job today was to make the food and be the receptionist, "spy."  Basically, I got the chance to observe the actors when they thought no one was judging them.  It was so funny, I forgot how awful people treat others when they think they aren't important.  It brought back so many experiences I had working in city government.  Do people think the receptionist doesn't tell, in this case, the director and the producer how the people in the waiting room treat them? Hey that guy was a jerk to me , is hitting on me, or this actor just complained about such and such while she waited in the waiting room? 

Obviously, if you are coming for an audition (or even a job interview ) - you are being judged from the second you walk in the door. 

That aside, all in all, today went really well. I personally enjoyed getting to see so many different people from L.A., what they wore, what they thought was important to talk about etc.  The auditions were 5 minutes each, so for almost every five minutes we had a new actor scheduled from 10:00 until 4:00, so I saw a lot of people.

I am always so impressed with how many talented people there are in the world.  There were so many talented actors that showed up today.  Its such a shame that so few movies get made per year.  I feel like Hollywood has not scratched the surface of what is out there, as far as talent goes.  Well, luckily, M has some tough decisions to make re who to cast.

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