Sunday, February 20, 2011

sophisticated baby girl ("SBG") - spring collection

Introducing my Sophisticated Baby Girl - Spring Collection (not sold in stores):

"The Working Girl" - For the professional baby . . .

Belt Buckle
Breast Pocket with Handkerchief
"Baby Bug" - For the exploring baby . . . 


Ladybug (when you pull the red button back you can see the little legs)

Back view (off-centered bow)

"Green Girl" - for the environmentally conscious baby

Front View
Back View

I love giving gifts to people for their second born child.  Its not because I am a second born, its because you get to be creative.  The family usually doesn't need the basics anymore, and you can do some fun things.  My wonderful sister-in-law (K), my brother-in-law (E), and my goddaughter (C), are expecting a new addition to their family this spring - a baby girl.

I was trying to think of something special I could give the family.  I really wanted to make something, but I am not an amazing seamstress.  Basically, I can't run a sewing machine - so actually making something from scratch - not going to happen.

I had a lot of ribbons and buttons left over from my Valentine's Day party  . . . hmm.   I figured babies spend a lot of time in onesies - but a lot of them are pretty - well blah.  I went to my local Target, and bought some 0-3 month white onesies, and this is what I came up with.  I hope you had just as good of time viewing this post, as I had preparing it.

Stay tuned for the summer collection debuting in April (3 to 6 month onesies).

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