Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week 2: 28 Weeks

On Wednesday, (my 13th day in the hospital) I was released from the hospital.  Although they are not completely sure if it ever ruptured, the official diagnosis was a ruptured membrane that healed.  Apparently, determining whether or not a pregnant woman's water broke is not an exact science, but either way M and I thank God that everything seems like all is well with Sam.

I am still on bed rest, but being at home has really been a huge and wonderful blessing: my own shower, bed, closet, TV, and Internet connection. I am in heaven.  The doctor said I could even make short meals in the kitchen, but I have yet to do that, as I have been too scared to stand for that long.  Maybe after a week I will feel more daring.

The doctor also informed us that we would go to the hospital every Friday so that they can listen to the baby's heart and put me on the contraction monitor for a half hour.  I also see my doctor on every Tuesday for the same tests. 

When we arrived home from the hospital, I went directly to the bedroom and laid down and looked out the window for like an hour. It felt good to be home.

That night was not so great.  I fell asleep quickly enough, but I had a nightmare in the early morning.  I dreamed that I was in labor and for some reason I knew the baby needed to be delivered by c-section.  My parents, Matt and I jumped into the car to drive to the hospital, but I couldn't convince any of them not to stop at every restaurant in town for take out, and for some reason we needed to run some errands for my baby brother.  Everyone kept on telling me I was concerned about nothing, and then I woke up.  Relieved of course. Sam furiously kicking me.  Apparently, he didn't like the dream either. 

Thursday (9/25) marked our 28th week.  To celebrate, M and my Dad were able to set up the crib:

Obviously, we still have some work to do in the nursery, but this is a start. :)

On Friday, we had our first appointment at the hospital.  Going back to the hospital was really hard. Just for the test, we had to go through admitting again, and there were a ton of people coming in who were in labor.  By the time we got back to where they were going to have the test I was really trying to fight back the tears, and was convinced I was going to go into labor any second.  Luckily, the RN that does the testing was so nice and calming.  The testing went well: plenty of fluid, Sam's heart rate was great, my blood pressure normal, and no contractions.

So today is Saturday, three days at home. We continue to pray for a safe and continued pregnancy as well as peace.  Peace is something I have struggled with throughout my life, and I am really praying that God will help me control my mind and thoughts in the upcoming weeks as we strive to create a new "normal" while I am on bed rest.


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